Staking Yem Binance for Huge rewards
Staking Yem Binance for Huge rewards
Staking your Yem Binance coins means making passive income without any risk. Choose the option that suits you and take action now
Period: 12 Months
Rate: 10%
Min. Stake: 2 000 000 YEM
Send your YEM to this address : 0xc6910A0B4e66067C43d27913669A767b36243231
NB: Copy the address above and send the minimum amount of Yem Binance required. You will lose your coins if you send less than the required amount.
Period: 18 Months
Rate: 15%
Min. Stake: 2 000 000 YEM
Send your YEM to this address : 0xFCC63e6666d505a679B5a19f97C8F525ca9C1CfD
NB: Copy the address above and send the minimum amount of Yem Binance required. You will lose your coins if you send less than the required amount.
Period: 24 Months
Rate: 20%
Min. Stake: 2 000 000 YEM
Send your YEM to this address : 0x70402754044979E5d7151F2f3cafa04C93244Ea7
NB: Copy the address above and send the minimum amount of Yem Binance required. You will lose your coins if you send less than the required amount.
Please note that staked coins are locked and will only be unlocked at the end of the unstaking period.